

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Four Easy Ways to Loose Weight

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, someone is claiming they have the best ways to loose weight. The only true and proven ways to loose weight are to eat better and participate in a fitness program. All of those self-help books, diet products, and crazy-looking exercise machines are all a waste of money. Losing weight can be very inexpensive if done right.

A simple walk around the park and a basket full of vegetables can be all you need to start on your way to loosing weight and living healthier. Here are four things you can incorporate into your lifestyle today to see immediate results.

1. Eat breakfast every day. This gets your body's digestive system started up and will increase your metabolism throughout the day. Many people are rushed in the morning and think they can just skip breakfast and catch up with a big lunch. This is actually the worst thing for people who are trying to loose weight because it causes the body to slow down its metabolism.

Since dinner is usually around 7 o'clock for most people, this means that the body has to go well over 12 hours with no nourishment at all. The body switches to "famine" mode to conserve energy and burns less calories while storing more fat.

2. Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. As mentioned above, this keeps the body from switching to energy conservation mode. You will also find that you have more consistent energy all day long because your body is constantly getting fuel.

Of course, these smaller meals should be healthy items, not junk food. Processed sugars and saturated fat are harder for the body to handle, so you will have a lag in energy level and a drop in metabolism while the body struggles to digest an unhealthy snack.

3. Slow down while eating. Not only will you be able to savor the taste of your food, but you will also end up eating less if you take longer to do it. Eating too quickly circumvents the body's signal that it is full. You can keep eating before you realize that you do not need any more food.

Slow down and try to take about 30 seconds per bite of food. This lets your body catch up and let you know when you have had enough to satisfy your physical needs. You may even become more mindful of the food you are eating and the nutritional choices you make. Often we eat certain foods simply out of habit and do not even realize we are making an unhealthy choice.

4. Plan out your meals for the entire week. This will make your grocery shopping easier and can keep you motivated to eat healthy even when things get busy later in the week.

You will already have all the necessary ingredients on hand to cook a delicious and healthy meal, so it will be harder to justify choosing high calorie fast food instead. The best ways to loose weight is to focus on making it convenient and enjoyable to live a healthy lifestyle.

Friday, April 9, 2010

8 Best Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

The best exercises to lose weight quickly are not secrets reserved for a mere few. They are quite common, yet they are overlooked by many. People seeking to lose weight might think there’s some magic program or exercise that will get it done.

Would it surprise you to know that you probably already participate in some of these exercises? The real secret is in knowing how to do those exercises for maximum benefit.

If you walk or climb stairs, for instance, you are utilizing the best exercises to lose weight quickly. You just need to make the most of them by upping the frequency and time you commit to these heart-thumping activities.

Unless you spend a vigorous 45 to 60 minutes every day on these exercises, you won’t lose weight quickly. You’ll just get tired. The key is consistency and that you work your system regularly. Muscle-building exercises are most effective to lose weight quickly.

Whichever exercise you choose, make sure you put all your energy into it. You want to keep your heart rate up and your blood pumping throughout the exercise period, with a proper cool down afterward.

If you’re brisk walking, for example, walk slowly for the final few minutes to give your body a chance to cool down. Stopping suddenly can cause muscle cramps and really isn’t good for your heart. Give it time to fall back to normal while you’re moderately active.

Make sure you drink lots of water while exercising to replenish your reserves and to help prevent cramping.

When you’re ready, here are the 10 best exercises to lose weight quickly. Start gradually and let your body adjust to the workouts.

1. Squats: This exercise is great for building leg and buttock muscles. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and squat down and then up 10-20 times through two or three sets.

2. Jumping Jacks: You probably remember these from your school days. They provide one of the best whole body aerobic workouts. Do four or five set of 20 jumping jacks for best results.

3. Stepping: If you’ve made numerous trips upstairs while moving or cleaning, you’ll know how much energy this exercise takes. The benefits are multi-fold: burns calories, boosts heart rate, great aerobics workout, builds leg and buttock muscles. You can use your stairs for this. Step up and down 20 times, rest and repeat two or three times.

4. Walking: Fast walking is better than slow walking, but both are beneficial. If you want an exercise to lose weight quickly, walk briskly for half an hour and you can burn up to 180 calories.

5. Bicycling: The outdoors can be more enjoyable, but stationary indoor cycles can provide an equally good exercise to lose weight quickly. In fact, if you apply the right amount of resistance at the right speed, you can lose between 250 and 500 calories in half an hour.

6. Swimming: This is a great, fun exercise for many people. It provides an excellent cardio workout that uses your entire body. Doing the breast stroke for half an hour can burn 400 calories.

7. Cross Country Skiing: Another fun activity with the same benefits as swimming.

8. Jump Rope: This isn’t just a kids’ game. Adults can get a terrific, unparalleled total body workout by jumping rope for as little as 15 to 20 minutes.

That gives you eight of the top workouts you can try. They are just some of the best exercises to lose weight quickly.